-81 Nordic Week of Culture KögeKöge DenmarkThe Theft
-83 Nordic Festival of Puppet TheatreAskerNorway…and the dream
danced ahead…
-84 Puppeteers of AmericaLansing Michigan, USA … and the dream
danced ahead …
-86 Nordic Festival of Puppet Theatre Dragsholm Denmark Kasper + The Tempest
-87 Internationale Puppentage MistelbachAustriaThe Tempest
--88 Nordisk Dockteaterfestival Lindesnes NorwayLillan
-88 PiF
International Festival of Puppet Theatre
ZagrebCroatiaThe Tempest
-90 Nordic Festival of Puppet Theatre Mariehamn Finland Lillan
-92 Nord Balt Puppe Viborg RussiaWith bare hands
-92 International Festival of Puppet TheatreKristiansand NorwayWith bare hands
-92 International Festival of Puppet TheatreSilkeborg Denmark With bare hands
-93 TourOsloNorwayWith bare hands
-93 TourLofoten NorwayWith bare hands
-93 Kukart S:t PetersburgRussia With bare hands
-93 International Puppet Busker FestivalGent Belgium With bare hands
-93 International Puppet Festival TolosaSpain With bare hands
-94 International Puppet FestivalBielsko-BialaPoland With bare hands
-95 International Festival of Puppet TheatreKristiansandNorway August, Augusta
and little Augustin
-95 Puppet Theatre FestivalKretingaLithuania With bare hands
-96 Teater Festival Bearum NorwayAugust, Augusta
and little Augustin
-96 Nordischers Klang Greifswald Germany With bare hands
-96 International Theatre Festival
"A midsummer night's dream"
Porsgrunn Norway With bare hands
-96 Figura Theater-Festival BadenSwitzerland With bare hands
-97 Puppets in the Green Mountains Brattleboro, Vermont USAWith bare hands
-98 The International Puppetry Carneval IdaJapan With bare hands
-98 Internationale Puppentage MistelbachAustria With bare hands
-99 Guest PerformancesKievUkraineWith bare hands
-99 Sommer Traum Hafen Wies Austria With bare hands
-99 Guest performances at Den Nationale SceneBergenNorway August, Augusta
and little Augustin
-99 Steinauer Marionetten SteinauGermany With bare hands
-00 Europäiches Puppentheater festivalHamburg Germany With bare hands +
Hold onto your hat
-01 Teater KolibriBudapestHungaryWith bare hands
-01 Europäiches Puppentheater festival Hamburg Germany Hold onto your hat +
A Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-02 Guest Performances Oppland FylkeskommuneNorwayHold onto your hat +
A Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-02 Assitej Festival Kristiansand Norway A Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-02 Lillebælt Dukketeater FestivalFredericiaDenmarkA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-02 Internationaa Poppentheater FestivalDordrecht NetherlandsA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-03 Blickwechsel, Internationales Figurentheaterfestival MagdeburgGermanyA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-03 Porsgrunn Internasjonale TeaterfestivalPorsgrunnNorwayA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-03 World Puppet Festival Portland, MaineUSAA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-03 Puppets in the Green MountainsBrattleboro, VermontUSAA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-04 Assitej Island, Nordic Childrens FestivalReykjavikIslandA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-05 FigurteaterfestivalTønsbergNorwayA Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse
-05 Intenational Figurteaterfestival KristiansandNorwayMonkey business
-05 FigurteaterfestivalOsloNorwayMonkey Business
-08 Puppets in the Green MountainsBrattleboro, Vermont USAMonkey Business
-09 Internationaal Poppentheater Festival Dordrecht Netherlands Monkey Business
-09 Festival of Wonder Silkeborg Danmark Monkey Business
-11 Maison de la Culture Maisonneuve Montreal Canada Monkey Business
-11 Les Trois Jour De Casteliers Montreal Canada Monkey Business
-11 Places des Artes Junior Montreal Canada Monkey Business
-11 Salles Le Moulinet Terrebonne Canada Monkey Business
-11 CAOS, Calgary Animated Objects Calgary Canada Monkey Business + Lecture
-11 PIP - festival, Pori International Puppetfestival Pori Finland Monkey Business
- 11 TIP-festival, Turku International Puppetfestival Turku Finland Monkey Business
- 11 TIP-festival, Turku International Puppetfestival Turku Finland A Special Day at Larsson's Storehouse

- DOCKTEATERVERKSTAN - Prästavägen 7- 283 42 Osby - Sweden.
Tel + 46 479 138 39 - Mob. 070 592 66 48
dockteaterverkstan@telia.com - www.dockteaterverkstan.com